BOOK AVAILABLE: Story of B-29 DOC and its Legendary Rescue and Restoration of a National Treasure is Published

RESCUING DOC, a book that chronicles the decades-long saga of Tony Mazzolini’s and DOC’s Friends to acquire and return the last restorable B-29 Superfortress to flight status is now available for purchase. All book proceeds will support DOC and DOC’s operations.

Tony Mazzolini with DOC in 2017. Photo by Brett Schauf.

The book, written by Dave Franson, a career aviation marketer and communicator from Wichita, KS, covers the in-depth story of Tony Mazzolini’s passion and dream to restore a B-29 Superfortress. Dave’s one-on-one interviews and countless hours with Tony provided the stories and recollections from the recovery and relocation of DOC from China Lake, CA, to Wichita, KS, for restoration. A portion of the book is written in Tony’s voice, rather than from a narrator’s point of view, which brings a unique delivery of a story that stretches from Cleveland, OH, to China Lake, CA, to Pensacola, FL, to Wichita, KS.


“This book is intended to share the fascinating and often incredible accounts of DOC’s restoration as one of only two airworthy B-29s left in the world. It will also serve as an enduring tribute to the patriots who designed, built, and flew B-29s, as well as those who eventually restored this aircraft,” said author Dave Franson. “I think it’s fitting that it is being released 80 years after it entered service and after the B-29 helped bring an end to the most devastating war in history.”

This 188-page book includes behind-the-scenes photos and stories, some of which have never been seen or told before, and provides details of DOC’s restoration and current mission of honoring the Greatest Generation by keeping their legacy alive through B-29 DOC.

RESCUING DOC author Dave Franson in the cockpit of B-29 DOC,

“Returning this airplane to the air was a dream come true for me,” Tony Mazzolini stated. “Even though it took more than 30 years to accomplish, it was always my goal that a fully-restored DOC would serve as a symbol to honor, educate and connect the present and future generations with the “Greatest Generation” of Americans who fought and died to defend liberty and restore freedom to millions. It’s gratifying to me that this book will preserve their memories and stories of the great family of volunteers, technicians, artisans, machinists, tool makers, managers, supporters and funders who restored DOC, too.”

The book also features more than 120 photos as well as insight from the DOC’s Friends leadership team that helped finish the restoration and now owns and operates DOC as a living and flying museum.

Priced at $40 for the paperback version and $50 for a hardback volume, it may be ordered online at All proceeds from the sale of RESCUING DOC will go to support the continuing operations of DOC and DOC’s Friends, Inc., a non-profit based in Wichita, Kansas.