Wichita Warbird Weekend is Here

The Wichita Warbird Weekend is underway at the B-29 Doc Hangar, Education and Visitors Center at Eisenhower National Airport in Wichita through Sunday, July 10.


$10 per person, $20 per family for ground and cockpit tours

Hours of Operation

Thursday, July 7 and Friday, July 8
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Saturday, July 9
9 a.m. to 9 p.m.: Ground and cockpit tours
7 p.m.: Concert featuring the Echos Band

Sunday, July 10
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Book Rides on B-29 Doc, B-25 Berlin Express, UC-78 Bobcat and BT-13 Steaman

You can book online or in-person, or via phone call:
B-29 Doc:
www.b29doc.com/rides or 316-358-9894
B-25 Berlin Express: Click here to book or call 920-379-4244
UC-78 Bobcat: Call 316-655-0257
PT-13: Call 913-209-8027

You can also call the B-29 Doc Hangar, Education and Visitors Center at 3163-260-4312 for more information.