B-29 Doc Hangar, Education and Visitors Center Parking Map

The B-29 Doc Hangar, Education and Visitors Center is located at 1788 S. Airport Road, Wichita, KS 67209.
The 42,000 sq.ft. facility has 70 parking spaces on site, including three accessible marked/reserved parking spaces. Event parking is also available next door, directly to the north of the hangar and across the street to the west and southwest of the facility. In all, there are more than 350 parking spaces within an easy walking distance of between 50 and 800 feet, equivalent to less than a city block.
Here is a parking map with designated parking areas at the B-29 Doc Hangar, as well as the areas surrounding the facility.
NOTE: Hangar event visitors MUST NOT PARK in the Koch Aviation Hangar Lot (1760 S. Airport Road) or the Bevan Aviation Lot (1880 S. Airport Road). Visitors who park in those two lots may be at risk of having their vehicles ticketed and/or towed at their own expense.